The Brazilian born beauty is best known for her size 38KKK breasts. Having had at least 10 separate operations to get to where she is today, the oversize 'air bags' recently saved her life.
After suffering a dizzy spell and smashing her car, Ms Hershey walked away with only minor bruising. Upon being interviewed after the crash and referring to her major assets, she was quoted as saying, "They saved my life... They cushioned the impact of the blow. I would be dead without them. My breasts stopped my face and my head being hit. I am so thankful for them." Yes, dear Sheyla... we are all very, very thankful for them!

She continued, "I was on my way to meet my husband and our two kids at a friend's house, but I started to feel dizzy... I swerved to avoid a dog and ended up writing off my car. I hit a tree, spun round three times and then hit another tree on the other side of the road. But I am OK. It could have been much worse."
So who would have known that such unlikely life preservers would have presented themselves? And even when they are not at the final 'target' size of 38MMM!!!

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