Also on Sunday, we will have our first filming session - to establish a baseline for the 'before and after' metrics. I should warn everybody now, that I have been working out very hard over the last couple of months (three days a week at the gym) and have lost four kilograms - NB: the warning is actually for the cameraman to bring along his wide angle lens. You see, I still have much more weight to lose before I hit my target.
In all seriousness, I will be taking this opportunity to combine the treatments with very tough exercise and work-outs along with strict attention to my diet to ensure that I get the most out of this opportunity.

So there you go! Along with the other finalists, I will be covering the challenge on a joint blog designed especially for the Urban Homme, Urban Icon Challenge, as well as on both my own Personal Blog and my OMY Star Blog.

If you haven't seen them already, check out the profiles of the six finalists here. I am sure that we will forge great friendships and I sincerely look forward to getting to know each and every one of them much better as the challenge progresses.
Today, the concept of self-image and aesthetics has transcended gender, thus inspiring the introduction of Urban Homme under the Mary Chia brand. The Urban Homme brand reflects the modern, urban male who is savvy, sophisticated and takes pride in his personal grooming as part of his social and professional personas. At Urban Homme Studios, our customers will enjoy professional skincare, grooming and body sculpting services. Urban Homme - a leading face and body studio specially catered to the needs of cosmopolitan men... [MORE]
Modern, Well-Groomed, Sophisticated.
These are attributes of the urban male, and valued traits of the Urban Homme brand.
Through the Urban Homme, Urban Icon Challenge, we hope to identify men who want to unleash their potentials to become representatives of the modern, urban male.
6 Finalists have been chosen to receive professional Urban Homme consultation and treatments, followed by Face, Body or Grooming treatments targeted at enhancing their overall images.
At the end of the Challenge, one of the Finalists will be selected to be the Grand Winner of the Urban Homme, Urban Icon Challenge.
The Urban Homme, Urban Icon Challenge
The Urban Homme, Urban Icon Challenge Joint Blog
Urban Homme Website
1. Of, relating to, or located in a city.
2. Characteristic of the city or city life.
1. A man.
2. A human being.
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