Today, I stand not on a soapbox, rather I stand to testify to the incredible life-changing episode that I'm currently experiencing... Friday night, I finished my treatments at Urban Homme, and much to the delight (and maybe even pride) that I saw on UH's Jacky (my personal body sculptor), I was literally almost moved to tears upon standing up and looking down to see what I thought must have been someone else's stomach. Then after looking into the mirror, I became an instant believer in the magic that the team at Urban Homme can weave!! I don't even know how to portray this feeling in words... it's sort of like trying to capture Niagara Falls in a photograph - a picture just cannot possibly do it justice. My tummy was not only much smaller, it was a completely different shape.
The timing could not have been more perfect, with the 'sneak preview' to the public of the Urban Homme Icon finalists today, in an extremely well-executed on-stage event at the Jurong Point shopping centre... *pause for applause for Sharon Tan and her team* - following below are just a few snapshots of the event, along with a short video of my interview. I feel so much self-satisfaction to talk about my improvement just two weeks into the challenge. :)
Without ado, let me try and "briefly" expand on the leadup to the event on Friday night and Saturday lunchtime.

As usual, the moment I arrived, I was treated to some wonderful tea and a 'Dead Sea Salt' foot spa. Given the busy week, I can tell you that there is nothing much closer to heaven than the feeling of soaking one's footsies and subsequently having a 'massage tap' on the bottom of the feet. In terms of stress, it's like going from '100 to 1' in a matter of minutes.
Then, I was led in for the body sculpting - first the (now almost regular) G5 treatment...
Let me pause for a moment and just gladly point out, dear readers, that even before Friday night's treatment, most of the bulging tummy has already disappeared from previous treatments, working out and dieting - checkout the following picture in my LPG suit - can you see the top line already clearly visible? The next line is also appearing - one more and it will be very close to a six-pack - something I haven't seen outside of a bar since my early-twenties!!

This was when I was completely blown away - Vince explained that I should expect at least 0.5 to 1 inch to come off the tummy circumference from the Advanced Wave Frequency treatment - little did I expect the complete reshape of my abdomen that occurred. As I mentioned before, after feeling so disheartened with myself for gaining so much weight these past four years, the results of the AWF actually moved me quite emotionally! I couldn't wait to get home and lift my shirt to show Sammi (who was equally as shocked).
The WF treatment actually works by sending radio frequency waves deep into the dermal and subcutaneous tissues of the abdomen to dissolve fat cells - this happens by causing them to heat up and burn... it also leaves you feeling very, very hungry!!
Not quite my own six-pack just yet, but not long to go I'm sure - the Wave Frequency (Image courtesy of Urban Homme):
So here I was today... just a matter of hours before the roadshow was due to begin, and I was at my 'second home' again, the Cocoon at Ngee Ann City. This time, the focus is on my skin. Again I met up with another challenger and great mate, Daniel.
I've come to enjoy these sessions immensely - I never thought that having someone working on improving my face could actually be so fantastic and be so relaxing. Mind you, given that I now fall asleep during what feels like the most amazing face massage one could ever experience, I'm nervous to think about what my personal skin consultant thinks of me - I don't know how much I'm snoring (I know it's at least a little, because it wakes me from time to time) or even worse *aghast*, perhaps I'm dribbling!!
These treatments are making my skin so clean and soft, that even my 3yo son Jaime used one of my own expressions on me when I arrived home - while reaching up to touch my face, he uttered "Daddy, that feels as soft as a baby's bum"! WTH??!!
Later that afternoon and after arriving home, I packed up the family to make the trek to Jurong Point - this was in fact a special moment, being the first trip out (except to the paediatrican) for 1-month old Casey... and boy, was I showing him off!!
This turned out to be great fun indeed. Catching up with nearly all the guys (Daniel, Emeric, Benson and Dennis) and being made to feel a little like a celebrity in front of the large volumes of weekend shoppers. As soon as we located centre stage, we noticed the huge picture board with our faces and 'love heart' voting spaces... quite surreal, actually.
The boys and me at the Mary Chia Roadshow (to see more pics from the day, simply add me on Facebook to view the album):
Once it was our turn in front of the crowd, we were interviewed one by one, by a couple of well known radio (and my wife tells me, also TV) personalities.
As I've already mentioned, it's always a great feeling these days to talk about the 'then and now' in terms of my body and weight loss - 9kg and gaining rapidly on the target!!
My number one fan in the crowd (that would be my 3yo, Jaime):
Our head magician (I mean the Cocoon Branch Manager, Vince) explaining how he has pulled together the specialised schedule of treatments for us all:
In all, a great couple of days, and I'm looking forward in anticipation of the Grand Finale event to be held on 11th November at St James... for those of you who would like to attend, there will be eTickets given out FREE of charge to all voters on the website (I said in the video, that we are all winners already, but if you do wish to receive the FREE tickets and a $145 Urban Homme voucher for voting, why not make the vote really count and vote for me? - Whoops, sorry fellow Challengers, that's being a bit forward I know - please, vote for whoever you think should really be crowned the "Urban Icon").. also, for all of those people who attend the Finale event, you will also receive a bag of goodies valued at $90! Come on - vote now... you know you want to :)
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