I say that she has nothing on 'Miss Chubby' because even though when we saw Ris Low at the 2010 OMY Singapore Blog Awards and first noted that she was looking just a 'tad heavier' than when she was crowned Miss Singapore 2009, she would not actually have even be allowed to enter the Italian beauty pageant - I think that Ms Low still falls a few kilograms below the required minimum of 100kg.I am actually fully supportive of this event, which was held on Saturday night in the Tuscany village of Forceli (near the city of Pisa) because it goes against the normal convention (and often unrealistic) paradigm of stick-skinny models, and is designed to "showcase other types of beauty in women". This year, Italy has chosen Angela Scognamiglio as its newest beauty queen. Weighing in at 170kg, Ms Scognamiglio is extremely proud to win the title of "Miss Chubby" on the competition's 20th year.

The 30-year old from Naples, said, "I am very moved, I feel as if I've won the lottery". She was awarded the title ahead of 20 other finalists in front of a crowd of 2,500. Another contestant, Antonia Bartolo, also spoke about how the competition has raised her self esteem, "...We are often the victims of severe discrimination, it's as if we are second class citizens".
So now I want to know - when will they have the Mr Chubby, Singapore competition - given that I've just this week started a very focussed program at the gym to shed some kilos, I want to be sure to enter while I still can :p
I guess that means I can keep those 2kgs I gained in Hong Kong!! :D
Actually I think Ris Low looked radiant with her new voluptuous form.
She bulked up because she took up boxing, I hear. All the better to sock anyone who dares comment about her weight!
Hi Camemberu!!
Whoops - I better be careful what I say about her weight then. :)
But I do fully then understand if that's the reason for her weight gain, because personally I put on the extra 15kg these past few years in preparation for the bathtub race in HK the other weekend. :p
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