From a poll conducted by www.thepeoplesclub.com of over 2,500 women, the following world cup footballers are deemed to be the most "beauty challenged". The commentary attached to each footballer below is courtesy of news.com.au.
So none of it's my work - therefore I'm not offering myself up for criticism on this article... just re-reporting what is already out there!! (don't hate the player... hate the game)!! :)
Wayne Rooney's ears stick out from his moon face, making him look unfortunately like Shrek. He was just named ugliest soccer player in the world according to 33 per cent of 2500 women polled by www.thepeoplesclub.com. But he's a reliable goal scorer, which makes him a fan favourite.

Things were looking a little bit hairy for Spain in the 2010 World Cup, and Carles Puyol (right) isn't the only reason.

Argentina's Carlos Tevez has a slightly Neanderthal look with greasy locks, a widow's peak and a monobrow. Enough said!

South Korea's goalkeeper Lee Woon-Jae is nicknamed "Spider Hands" for his skills in the net. But those hands got him in trouble in 2007, when Woon-Jae and three of his team-mates started messing around with prostitutes on the eve of the country's Asian Cup match.

Peter Crouch is the tallest England player at over 2m, making for one awkward and gangly footballer. And he knows it. In an interview, when asked what he would be if he weren't a soccer player, Crouch replied "A virgin."

Only one month ago, Marcus Tulio Tanaka (middle) spat the dummy on the field. He got frustrated with the referee and marched around with his shirt on his head. This performance led one website to select him for the No.1 "tantrum of the week." Sexy. Not.

North Korea's Jong Tae-Se (left) didn't look so hot as he burst into tears before the Brazil-North Korea match. But the emotion seems genuine: Born in Japan to South Korean parents, Tae-Se traded his South Korean citizenship for a North Korean passport just so that he could play for Kim Jong-il's team. Sure.

Sotirios Kyrygiakos, 31, is one of many players who need a good haircut. That scraggly ponytail look is a real turnoff - especially on a guy who already has a receding hairline.

Before the start of the tournament, Argentina coach Diego Maradona promised to run naked through the centre of Buenos Aires if Argentina wins the 2010 World Cup. We're glad he now has to keep his pants on.

Yes, he has a scar as the result of an accident when he was two. But that's not the only reason why Ribery, one of France's stars, makes the list. He has appalling teeth, French arrogance, and was recently accused of hiring an underage prostitute.

You know i really dislike somebody in your wth cate. Beat the shit out of him by winning man! That guy's got too big an ego!
Ribery totally looks like Nicholas Cage
to be honest, you aint that great looking yourself either for a blogger. See, how ridiculous it is? to be criticize aesthetically for something you do that has no relations to how you look?
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