What would be even cooler, would be if we could manage to get aboard one of the sight-seeing ferries on the Victoria Harbour which apparently offers one of the best vantage points of the show in its entirety (I'm going to use all my powers of pursuasion to get my fellow bloggers / travellers to take part in this)!
Participating buildings on the Hong Kong Side:
And the participating buildings on the Kowloon side:
Now back to another very important topic that's been getting a lot of airplay recently on our joint Hong Kong blog and across the social media networks!! - the competitive spirit brought about by our participation in the World Media Bathtub race.
Fisrt, let me state for the record, that my blogging buddy, Darren and I are definitely on the same side. Although we are in different tubs, we are both in this race to represent both OMY and Singapore!! (MAJULA SINGAPURA)!!
Having said that, I cannot help but feel intimidated by the much better shape that Darren Ng is was in (I say 'was', because over the last week of daily training and a strict diet of raw egg smoothies and boiled pigs brain, a truly incredible transformation has taken place). Not only was I concerned about how I might look alongside Darren, I see in his recent article that he is an experienced Dragon Boater - What the??!! How to even come close to this? How good does he look here, girls??
Well here you have it... I told you some days ago about my intense training schedule, and now I'm proud to reveal the 'Before and After' results...
'Eat Ya Heart Out' all you other country media competitors - Darren and I've got this race sorted right out now!! :)
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