I can't begin to explain how wonderful it is to be recognized as one of Singapore's Top Bloggers. After being short-listed to the Top 10 in 2009 in my category, I was a bit dubious as to how I might go one better - obviously it had to be by taking out first place in the same category in 2010 - and that's exactly what happened!!
The SBA Awards are decided through both voting by fans (30%) and a very rigorous judging process by well-known and respected celebrities and experts in their fields (70%). Therefore, to be recognized by Singaporeans in the voting section, is on its own a completely humbling experience... I really feel like I belong!! Furthermore, to have that popularity validated by the panel of judges, makes me feel like the effort that I've put in over the last few years has been more than worth it.
I have no idea where to begin in thanking people - the social networking sites are abuzz with the news, and I've spent nearly the whole day today responding to emails, facebook messages, twitter mentions and even phone calls from friends and family in no fewer than six countries.
Yesterday's event attracted more than 500 bloggers, guests, media and celebrities. It was a real 'red carpet' affair - quite literally. Once I catch up on everything (it's all still pretty hectic right now), I'll spend some time writing about the event itself. For now, I just want to talk about the awards and the process itself.
Of course, my feelings on this year's awards would not be complete unless I took the opportunity to first of all congratulate the other nine bloggers in my category for making the Top 10 list, and secondly wish them all the best in their future online undertakings. In this, I am talking about:
Fauzi Rassull: Singapore's Only Male Bitch / Fauzi Rassull
Miao&WafuPafu / Jian Goh
IZ Reloaded / IZ Reloaded
挑灯夜谈 / Lonely Teacher
There really is no need for a title.... / yongwei92
【江湖说】 / CALVIN LAI
Blog of a Singapore Transgender / mschorlor
Survive in Cold Water / my life
But wait - that's only eight, you say? Yes - quite correct... a very special congratulations must go out to the one and only self-proclaimed 'Limpek'... the Malaysian blogger, Goldfish Uncle, who loves talking about his own private parts and sexual deviance. Let's be straight, I have no problems at all with whatever he likes to write about on his personal weblog, and at times his stuff can be sort of amusing - in a very gutter-humour, Benny Hill-ish kind of way. I even gave him a bit of a 'plug' in the awards video interview some weeks ago, saying he might be one of the bloggers to stand a chance of pulling out the top award this year.
For some reason (and I think it stems back to me not remembering the actual name of him or his blog at the time of the interview - I was under lights remember... as if I'm actually expected to remember him in any case), he decided to take a personal swat at me in his blog... luckily, I've "been there and done that" and received much worse from bigger and better than him, so his words were just like water off a duck's back to me... it is however, at least worthy of a mention here today - I personally present him on my blog today, with the award of "Malaysia's Only Male Bitch"!! Congratulations Uncle!! His blog can be found here (but I warn those under 18 years of age, or those who expect their humour to be at least somewhat out of the gutter or at least a little intellectual, you will be offended and/or disappointed and/or disgusted and should not visit this URL) :)
Come, Uncle Bring You Go See Goldfish / Goldfish Uncle
Anyway - the journey is now beginning. I'll be travelling with the other award winners and the OMY team to Hong Kong for the long weekend of the Dragon Boat Festival - one key moment, will be paddling up the river in a bathtub in the media event - Bathtub race!! That will be an absolute blast!
There will much more media coverage of the awards and the subsequent events - so watch this space...

Thanks again OMY and a special congratulations to 16 year-old Ming Wei for winning the EASB Best Individual Blog Award - her story is truly moving, and one I will be following with hope and prayers!! - http://judithdmw.blogspot.com/
Lol.... its so funny that you commented about that uncle....personally I totally can't accept his blog. Anyway...Congratulation... and thanks for mentioning me in your blog. Enjoy your trip in HK.
Congrats Pete! very good. Don't worry bout that uncle coz he is just sick. can't get a lady himself so needs prostitutes
Congrats Pete! Well deserved. Love your blog!
I'll see you in HongKong but will be travelling on a later flight.
As for that uncle, seriously I cannot accept his blog, its simply WTH (in a obnoxiously negative sense).
Elaine (ybloggist)
Just dropped by to catch the winners of the blog awards.
Congratulations! u are doing a great job and hope to see the updates about HK soon!
ED Unloaded
@ Lonely Teacher
I personally think uncle goldfisg blog is one of a kind, honest and darn funny
Sporeans and Malaysians should visit his blog at least once in their lifetime
anyway, congrats Aussie!
Pete, always knew you were a winner! Remember your great ANZ webpage at Kodak that totally blew the WW page out of the water? Of course the cleavage may be what put you over the top! (lol) Nice to see you just as gracious in winning as you were last year.
Congratulations :-)
ahah congrats! wow I'm 3 days late!
Congratz to you! Enjoy ur HK trip to the fullest. Have FUN! =)
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