Truth be known, the local Aṉangu do not even climb Uluru because of its great spiritual significance. They also request that visitors do not climb the rock - due to the path crossing a sacred traditional Dreamtime track and due to a sense of responsibility for the safety of visitors to their land. The Aṉangu have a spiritual connection to Uluru, and "feel great sadness" when a person dies or is injured while climbing Uluru.
In 1983, the Australian Government promised to hand back the land title to the Aṉangu traditional owners and also agreed to a 10-point plan, which includes forbidding the climbing of Uluru. However, this 'no climb' rule will not come into effect for almost 100 years.
In the meantime, indigenous Australians have to put up with the kind of publicity stunts and antics of this French low-life. Her actions have been likened to 'defecating on the steps of the Vatican'. Local calls for her deportation are rampant.
In defence of her act, 25-year old Sery said, "I am aware that Uluru is sacred in their culture. My project is a tribute to the greatness of the Rock... What we need to remember is that traditionally, the Aboriginal people were living naked. So stripping down was a return to what it was like... If I can do a strip on Ayers Rock, then anything is possible".... You stupid, stupid lady!!!

Well to be fair
that posting will get your readership, regardless of the content of your blogging.
Ouch! A disgruntled opponent from the blog awards.
Maybe they thought your comment on video about other bloggers was a bit mean. But true LOL
Hey there SylviaML.. I've heard that a few times now - I really meant no offence in my video or interview. They asked my opinion on the other bloggers in my category, and I just told it as I saw it (always a straight shooter) :)
Even one of the guys whose blog I gave a positive comment on (Goldfish Uncle) gave me a good old serve on his blog - I said I thought some of his stuff was funny (even if it is in a sort of crude, Benny Hill-ish, gutter-style way)... I'm guessing he found offence that in the heat of the moment in front of the camera I couldn't remember the exact name of his blog... Oh well - I suppose his personal attack could give him the title of MY's only male b*tch :p
Like I said, no offence was intended against any of the competitors... I wish them all the very best!!
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