The online marketing people within OGC (Office of Government Commerce) without a doubt, need to be fired.
I often wondered what the role of the OGC was and what their people did. So with a little bit of research I found out. But looking at their online logo, I have my doubts - perhaps it is a subliminal message? Do you notice anything strange? I'm sure if this gets anymore attention online, it will not be long before the gurus change back to the logo seen on Wikipedia.
Here's the logo currently on their website:
Now what do their people do all day at the office? Let's manipulate the logo by turning it 90 degrees clockwise... Hmmmmmm - I say no more:
Here's what they really do (according to their website):
"The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) is an independent office of HM Treasury, established to help Government deliver best value from its spending. The OGC works with central Government departments and other public sector organisations to ensure the achievement of six key goals: Delivery of value for money from third party spend; Delivery of projects to time, quality and cost, realising benefits; Getting the best from the Government's £30bn estate; Improving the sustainability of the Government estate and operations, including reducing carbon emissions by 12.5% by 2010-11, through stronger performance management and guidance; Helping achieve delivery of further Government policy goals, including innovation, equality, and support for small and medium enterprises (SMEs); And driving forward the improvement of central Government capability in procurement, project and programme management, and estates management through the development of people skills, processes and tools."
I'm sure it will be changed on their website soon!! :D
Haha! Nice one.
OMG! Self satisfaction in broad daylight...
Oh this is so good!
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