It would be remiss of me however, not to offer an update on one of the more interesting aspects of this year's annual trip up here for Chinese New Year. Most companies in China resumed work again on Sunday (1st February).
I was interviewed by ICS ("International Channel Shanghai") for their 'Culture Matters' program. At this stage, I do not know when the episode will be aired (probably within next 14 days), but will keep very close to it and be sure to post a video online (copyright permitting) of the pertinant sections of the interview.
Specifically, I was asked questions in relation to living in Singapore (as a foreigner), cost of living versus China, blogging in SG... among other more general items. Some of the questions were very tough but also very candid and even a little personal. As an Aussie, I responded in the only way I know how - straight down the line and truthfully.
We spoke in some depth about the GFW (China great firewall), which still sees many popular sites outside of mainland China being blocked to internet users (including Aussie Pete blog, which becomes blocked and unblocked almost on a daily basis). Interestingly, the first article that I ever published, addressed this very topic.
I also took the opportunity to give a 'plug' for a couple of my favourite Singapore aggregators and forums (the ones that I really think have got it right - the webmasters of these sites know who I'm taking about). I mentioned these sites by name and by URL - when the episode airs, it will be viewed by millions of Chinese and English speaking people alike... many more people than the entire population of Singapore (x 6). This is the least I could do for my friends in hyperspace that have helped me out over the last year.
For some other blog / news aggregators in Singapore, I strategically failed to mention them at all... (I suspect these people also know who they are). Unfortunately, the so-called 'editors' at two particular sites have tried to control the blogosphere in SG for way too long now, and because of their elitist ways and censorship based on personal views, I was not going to give them such large free advertising and exposure to millions of potential readers - whoops! - better get off my soapbox now - funny how karma works, hey?? :D
Anyway, back offline now - take care, dear readers... we will be back home in Singapore in a couple of weeks - keep your eyes out for the video of my interview when I post it!!
Wow, great to read that!!
How did you manage to get into that interview, are you working in the media business? :)
Hello Pete,
I am sorry about the disaster that is happening to your country. It is hard to imagine seeing everything you have go up in flames or washed away by floods. I can't think of a more horrendous way to start the year.
I hope your family is safe and well.
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