Here's what has happened - back in June, 2008, with tongue in cheek (firmly and clearly), I wrote and published an article right here with the title "Need Cash Fast? Why Not Sell A Kidney On The Singapore Black Market? - Going Rate About $22,000!". In short, this was in response to the then breaking news regarding two Indonesian men, 26-year old Sulaiman Damanik and 27-year old 'Toni', who had been convicted under the 'Human Organ Transplant Act (Hota) and Oaths and Declarations Act'. Sulaiman had arranged to sell his kidney to 54-year old Tang Wee Sung for 150 million rupiah ($22,000) but was apprehended before he could undergo surgery. The second offender, 'Toni', had already had his kidney removed in March, 2008 and had sold it to Ms Juliana Soh for 186 million rupiah before returning home to Medan. He was arrested in May, upon his return to Singapore to assist Sulaiman as a 'middle man'.
OK, so that was the crux of the article, although it did also visit the laws in more depth and discussed issues with the current guidelines and protocols.
Following on from this, also in June, the article was picked up and published in Zimbio, the hugely popular global aggregator - the Zimbio article can be found at the following link:

At the outset, I thought that maybe the first comment from a Zimbio user in October last year was just a one-off misunderstanding due to the article title. Since then and as recently as this month, there have been dozens of offers for organ donation from all corners of the globe (including - but not limited to - Mexico, India, Belgium, Indonesia, China, USA, Sweden, Germany, Peru).
In the spirit of privacy (and perhaps my own self-preservation legally), I have removed the personal details of the donors/commenters to display a sample of the comments and offers below (although on Zimbio they have made this information public for the whole world to see - names, blood types, health status, email addresses and even - go figure - addresses and home and cell phone numbers).
I do NOT want to buy your kidney, liver or any other organs!!!
Sample of Comments from the Zimbio Article:
'xxxxxxx' said...
Oct-23-08 5:40pm/23/2008 9:40 GMT
hi. Im 29years old male B+. i want to sell my kidney.please contact me . Email: xxxx@yahoo.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Dec-3-08 4:12pm/3/2008 8:12 GMT
I m 24 Years guy I want to sale my Kidney. Blood Group is O+ . Contact me as soon as possible at xxxx@gmail.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Dec-3-08 11:54pm/3/2008 15:54 GMT
i m xxxxx xxxxx india im sel my kidney 50000 usd i riqwaird argent my sister is marrige 20/12/2008 pls contest me soon us +91xxxxxxxxxx
'xxxxxxx' said...
Dec-17-08 12:05pm/17/2008 4:05 GMT
sell my kidney . I`m from mexico B+. contact me at xxxx@hotmail.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Dec-29-08 3:10pm/29/2008 7:10 GMT
hmmm so many ppl want to sell there organs due financialy problems well i'm not in financial problems but my brother is realy sick and he needs money but non of my family have it thats why i like to sing myself up for donar i hear you can live with 1 kidney so if it helps my kid brother i would be glad to help i'm in perfect health and not old only 27y i live in belgium europe and what i found out its not legal here but i also did some searching and it came to my attencion i can also sell some of my liver what ever can help my brother i'm willing to do itif your serious you can contact me at xxxx@yahoo.com and i will be happy to give you more information about my health blood type ect...
'xxxxxxx' said...
Jan-4-09 11:00am/4/2009 3:00 GMT
I'm 30 years old, I want to sale my kidney A+.contact me at xxxx@yahoo.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Jan-5-09 9:57pm/5/2009 13:57 GMT
I m 25 Years guy I want to sale my Kidney. Blood Group is B+ . Contact me as soon as possible at xxxx@yahoo.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Jan-6-09 3:10am/5/2009 19:10 GMT
I'm 39th years old and I'd like to sell my kidney, blood type O, perfect health. Email: xxxx@gmail.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Jan-7-09 2:09am/6/2009 18:09 GMT
Want to sell my kidney, Men 39th Years ols, Perfect Health, O Blood type. Call +6285x xxxx xxxx
'xxxxxxx' said...
Jan-7-09 10:01pm/7/2009 14:01 GMT
Im indonesian 30 years old man. I wanna sell my kidney for safe other life if someone needed. If you have interesting you can contact my email address directly xxxx@telkom.net for any question or for price negoitation.
'xxxxxxx' said...
Jan-19-09 2:44am/18/2009 18:44 GMT
im indonesian chinese, 28year old. want to sell my kidney to somebod who need it for usd 50.000, my blood type is A. please contact me at xxxx@hotmail.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Jan-28-09 9:33am/28/2009 1:33 GMT
i want to donate my kidney, american, ex-marine ,A+ gr rate over a 100, in perfect shape, just need $25,000 for post-op care, and lost wages, email me at xxxx@yahoo.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Jan-31-09 6:52am/30/2009 22:52 GMT
I will sell one of my kidneys too the right person for the right price..contact me at xxxx@hotmail.com or xxxx@yahoo.com or aim-xxxxxxxx
'xxxxxxx' said...
Jan-31-09 6:54am/30/2009 22:54 GMT
im 19 years old living in the u.s.a chicago area contact me asap
'xxxxxxx' said...
Feb-10-09 7:49am/9/2009 23:49 GMT
I'm 30 US citizen, heathly, and willing to donate my kidney and being compensated for my time. PLease em me at xxxx@yahoo.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Feb-12-09 12:41am/11/2009 16:41 GMT
hello sir,my name is xxxxx and i am from india i see ur hospital in net i need money for my family and i have borrowed some money from other people in interest now i am unable to return that money to market bcoz i have loss in my buisness so i dont have money thats y i want to sale my kidney .plz sir help me urgently .so plz give reply to me my id is xxxx@yahoo.com.waiting for ur responsethankyou
'xxxxxxx' said...
Feb-25-09 4:38pm/25/2009 8:38 GMT
Hi, my name is xxxxx 35years age I'd like to give my B+ kidney for someone in need if they can help me. My email address is xxxx@gmail.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Feb-27-09 2:43pm/27/2009 6:43 GMT
hi ,i m xxxxx xxxxx from xxxxx, xxxxx, india.i want to help you but i want some money.it is not the charge of my kidney but i m in big financial problem andi want money. for solve my finance problem.my blood group is O+.if u can trust me than i can help u.waiting for your rply on xxxx@gmail.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Mar-3-09 5:14pm/3/2009 9:14 GMT
hi i need to sell my kidney i need money to go back home to pakistan if any one can help me ple email me on xxxx@yahoo.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Mar-9-09 4:09pm/9/2009 8:09 GMT
hi ,i m xxxxx xxxxx from xxxxx, xxxxx, india.i want to help you but i want some money.it is not the charge of my kidney but i m in big financial problem andi want money. for solve my finance problem.my blood group is O+.if u can trust me than i can help u.waiting for your rply--xxxxx xxxxx Mob: +91 xxxxx xxxxxEMAIL :xxxx@gmail.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Mar-9-09 4:59pm/9/2009 8:59 GMT
need a kidney? 4 healthy people to choose from. fair compensationemail xxxx@gmail.com for more info
'xxxxxxx' said...
Mar-9-09 6:42pm/9/2009 10:42 GMT
HI.I live in sweden and i can sell my kidney for 60000 usd.I am 35 years old.A(+)xxxx@hotmail.com
'xxxxxxx' said...
Mar-10-09 9:42pm/10/2009 13:42 GMT
living donorLiver Donationdonate kidney or a piece of my liverI am 35 years old and completely healthy. I come from germany My blood type is AB+ and my last such antibody test was negative. interested? Visit: http://xxxxx.com/ or please send me an e-mail at: xxxx@web.de
'xxxxxxx' said...
Mar-26-09 2:03am/25/2009 18:03 GMT
Man 42 years old from Sweden,in exellent health would like to donate my kidney.I never used any drugs,i do not drink any alcohol.I eat right and exersice every week.I am in 100% good health.My blood typ is A+ RH.would need to be covered for all medical,travel, and loss wages, I am willing to travel outside of swedenE-mail: xxxx@live.se
'xxxxxxx' said...
Mar-26-09 10:13am/26/2009 2:13 GMT
sell one of my kidneys to save two lives I am 26 years old my blood type is o + interested write to my mail xxxx@hotmail.com the price is negotiable i'm from peru
1 comment:
This mix-up is hilarious although you won't find it funny. You are now part of the global kidney trade!
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